Reflect + Connect

As our kids grow up, we find ourselves in spacious places that can feel both welcoming and unwelcoming. As the seasons of our lives evolve, we have opportunities to ask…

What is God inviting me into? How can I use what I’ve been given? What should I pursue and pay attention to? BOW challenges women in this changing landscape to reflect on and discover God’s invitations, in the context of their unique gifts, interests, and experiences and to put them to good use -- individually and as a collective force.

Gather + Give

The Bible identifies two broad areas where we’re called to join God in the work He’s prepared in advance for us to do:

1. Helping others know and strengthen their relationships with Jesus.
2. Bringing hope and healing in Jesus’ name.

BOW Giving’s speaker series luncheons will be focused on a variety of topics across each of the two broad areas noted above. At each luncheon, members will hear from and invest in the work of two to three non-profit organizations addressing the same subject from different angles. In addition, members will receive research helping them better understand featured subjects and learn about other organizations working in those spaces.

BOW will also host several special event gatherings each year to continue building community in thoughtful, interesting and fun settings. More details to come!

Our mission is to make a lasting impact through giving to, and learning from, Christ-centered organizations all while building a vibrant community of local women dedicated to using their unique gifts and interests in fun and meaningful ways.