A thriving community of women who are passionate about making a difference by pooling resources and fostering meaningful connections that glorify God through collective efforts.

Our Story

In 2024, three friends came together as their children began to leave their nests and their roles as moms started to change. After many years spent significantly serving those inside their homes, anticipating this new life chapter, they began to consider new and purposeful paths outside their homes. Out of a shared vision to build a meaningful community focused on blessing others, BOW Giving was born.

The Significance of “BOW”

The first thing we receive in this world is a gift...the gift of life by our Creator. In addition, we receive individual gifts and talents throughout our lives that are meant to be shared, multiplied and given back to God to whom all things belong.

It is in this spirit of giving and being gifted that we envisioned BOW. Through BOW, we want to Bless Others With...all of God’s great gifts. These gifts include our finances, time, energy, and perhaps ways we haven’t even thought of yet. It’s about using every aspect of our being to shine the light of God before others and deepen our understanding that the most important investment we will ever make in this life is in eternity, which begins today.

While our definition of BOW symbolizes a gift, we love that the word BOW (pronounced differently) can also be understood as the position of humility one takes in prayer and in worship. Bowing down is an outward expression of an inner attitude of submission and obedience, demonstrating our desire to follow the Lord’s command to love one another as Jesus loved us (John 13:34).

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
— Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV)